

What are you about?

Science fiction, video games, movies and a dash of politics.


Independent through and through…well, if you don’t like it…

Whose your favorite science-fiction author?

 H.G. Wells.

What is your favorite science-fiction television series?

Two I can list. The Twilight Zone, the 90s version, and Star Trek: The Next Generation.

What is your favorite movie genre?

Horror movies actually.

What is your nickname?

Tex. Actually got it in high school. I’m originally from Texas.

What is your favorite musical instrument that you play?

Electric bass. Mostly four-string, sometimes five-string, flatwounds. Fender Jaguar bass is my favorite although a beast to tame.

One thought on “FrAQQS

  1. Andrew Wong,

    I was just looking at your reference to Joe Carroll in “The Following” being, perhaps, in connection with Lewis Carroll. I had made a mental note of the same, and considering that Lewis Carroll’s family covered up some of his scandalous (for the time period) relationships with women I think that this theory has merit. He is even said to have exhibited pedophilic behaviours (all female). Lewis Carroll was also considered one of the “suspects” in the mysterious Jack the Ripper case, though his involvement was not taken seriously.

    Everything seems to fit quite nicely. Coincidence? I think not.


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